That's how I live my life. That's what runs through my mind everyday. There are just not enough hours in the day. I know I just had surgery, but I cannot just sit down people! It is starting to tick me off that people want me to lay around for weeks after a simple gallbladder surgery. Yes, I know I look like i am eight months pregnant with my swelled belly, but my feet and hands still work fine! Besides the normal 7-3 job, there are always dishes to be washed, laundry to be done, meals to prepare(or a drive-thru to go through), kids to bath, dress, play with , love and discipline, husbands to keep happy, bills to pay, yadayadayada.......need I go on? My daily commute is my time. That's when I gather my thoughts, when I pray, when I breathe. I don't stop because if I stop I might not ever get going again! My brain/body does not know what to do when it is not stressed or involved in some type of drama. Stillness is awkward and unsettling to me. So thank you to all the people who worry about me, but this is who I am. I am not saying its the smart way to be or the most ideal, but it is how I cope with life! Maybe it's my ego, I guess I should pray about that. I like being involved in things. I like doing things for other people. I like being needed and useful. I want to be a good worker for the Lord and to provide for my family. Don't get me wrong I have my own pity parties often, but I try not to complain about life because I know this one is not permanent. Complaining and groaning never makes me feel better, but doing something, doing anything does. Love you all!
Trying to be better
The 5 Keys to Crispy Kale Chips
1 week ago