I just wanted to tell everyone who prayed for Taegan yesterday, THANK YOU! By the grace of God, she is ok!
Between my two kids, I would've never picked Taegan to be the first one to have a concussion.
I'll start at the beginning. We were just getting home and as soon as we walked in the door Taegan had to go to the bathroom. She didn't have shoes on, just socks, and she took off running (on the hardwood) to the bathroom.
The next thing I heard was a loud thud and screaming and crying. I tore off through the house and there was my baby girl, laid out on the floor screaming her lungs out, holding her head. I grabbed her up to check her out. There was the biggest goose egg and blood everywhere from her forehead.
Poor Cohen, he was scared to death. I was trying to keep it together for him and he was such a good helper. He ran and got me a baggie with ice in it and put his clothes (he still had on pjs from spending the night with my sweet friend Tammy) on faster than I have ever seen anybody change.
I knew right away this was not just a knock on the head. Taegan couldn't stand up straight and she was talking crazy with slurred words. So off we went to Ft payne. That was mistake #1. I thought I would just take her to rapid care and let them do an xray to make sure she didn't have a skull fracture. I knew she had a concussion, but I just figured they would tell me to watch her and send us home. Nope, they said she didn't have a skull fracture but we needed to go to the ER right away for an MRI or CT scan because her head was still swelling and she still couldn't walk a straight line.
Mistake #2- I took her to Ft payne ER! Keep in mind they sent her info from rapid care over. So we got to triage at the ER and I can't keep Taegan awake and neither can they, but they make us go out the waiting room for 2 1/2 hours before taking us back. Forget about brain function, they said her vital signs were ok so she could wait! Oh no they didn't! This mad momma caused a scene in that ER (not that it did any good). Anyway, if the waiting wasn't bad enough, once we did get to a room, they put my otherwise healthy child in a room with a baby who had a 106 fever on one side and a 6 yr old with a staph infection on the other side. Hello? INFECTION CONTROL ANYONE???? Since I was by myself with both kids, holding a sleeping Taegan, and no staff ANYWHERE around, I reserved that issue for a little letter I am putting together for the director of the ER.
In the meantime, aunt Deanie came and got Cohen, Jason was close to being back from the men's church conference trip, and the doctor on staff and the nurse practioner could not agree on how to treat my baby.
The doctor wanted to observe her for 8 hrs, the NP wanted to get a CT scan. Meanwhile, Taegan is STILL sleeping. They woke her briefly to check her walking and speech, neither of which was normal yet.
Finally, 4 hours after arriving at the ER, they finally decide to do the CT since she is still not waking up. She slept right through the CT scan with no problems. Jason finally gets there and an hour later....still no CT results. He goes to ask someone and they say they don't have a radiologist there to read them so they transmit them over the computer. Apparrently, Taegans got lost so they have to resend them. AAARRRRGGGG! 6 hours after we got to the ER, CT results get back. She does have a bruise on the frontal lobe of her brain but no active bleeding and she of course has the pocket of blood and swelling between her skull and skin (the gooseegg). They classify her as having a moderate-severe concussion and want to observe her for two more hours.
By this time she has woken up and is talking normal, but still a little shaky standing and walking.
Thank you Lord God Almighty that this was not super serious! I don't know how I could live without my sweet baby girl!
I learned/reaffirmed several things from this incident.
1. God is Good!
2. I love my kids more than anything in this world!
3. I have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for
4. Anything else ever happens to my kids, they will be taken to TC Thompsons unless I cant stop the bleeding before I can get to Chattanooga
5. Ft. Payne hospital may be good for general surgeries, but their ER needs more staff, and they do not need to be treating pediatric patients if they don't know how to care for them
6. Hardwood floors, socks, and doorframes are not a good combination
7. Watching a sleeping child is just about the most precious thing ever
So, once again thank you all so much for your prayers for Taegan. And thank you all for your prayers for me over the past couple of weeks. I have never worked so many hours in my life!
Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him. I hope my lifesong always thanks HIM and honors HIM!
I love each and everyone of You!
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
We had a bad experience with FP ER several years ago and I like you, will only go there as a last resort. We all have Dr.'s in Chatt. now with the exception of Dr. Simms who we see for colds. If we need anything more, we go to the big city!
I also did some observation in the Radiology dept. at FP and it was very unprofessional. So glad you are a nurse and know what's what!
I did use Isbell clinic when Hayden was small and then I wised up and we used Dr. Chuck Tiger out on Gunbarrel Rd. He is great also. One night we drove to TCH and was seen and back home in 4 hours.....and that's counting the drive to and from. Maybe we were just lucky that night and there weren't many em. but we've used them twice, once for a croop attack and the other was for a poss. fractured ankle and I was well pleased both times. So glad she is doing great now.
We were in Auburn getting the updates and keeping you in our prayers. So glad she's okay. I remember those days in the ER. Had the middle child there on many occassions
We too are so thankful that she is ok. The girls wanted to see her picture every time I would mention her name! I hope all our "church kids" stay close and care about each other as much as they do now! I love you and hope you see you Wed. nite!!!
Glad she is okay! We were worried about her. I've taken son#1 to that same ER when he fell out the back door, in his walker, when he was a wee little one. Our visit was okay that day.
This ER however, saved my mom's life that night she had her massive heart attack. Shocked us too!! We never go there....always Chatt town for everything. But Dad was just trying to get her to the nearest hospital. Which was the best thing to do! Thank God He was there and helped them help Mom!
Give her a kiss on her forehead from me!!
I about croaked when I saw her picture.. So glad she's okay. Who knew socks and hardwood could be that dangerous??!
Bless your heart. I can remember when Christina hit Amanda in the head with a softball bat many years ago. What a goose egg she had. I have to Amen Deedra on the wonders of Dr Jung. I work with her often when I worked at Parkridge East and I loved her. She cares so much for her patients.
I'm glad your sweet little girl is ok.
No it is never to late to join!! We are taking next Monday off because of the DHR dinner, so you have some catch up time. We are on week 3! See you then!! Love ya!
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