Monday, August 31, 2009

Firsts and Funnies

My baby lost his first tooth tonight! I can't believe he is old enough to start losing teeth. I can remember when he got that little baby tooth when he was 5 months old, he bit through more pacifiers than I could count. His little tooth has been loose for about a week now and he said it got looser today at snack when he was eating beef jerky (who knew they gave kindergarteners beef jerky for snack???). Anyway, when he got home today he wanted me to pull it, but he wouldn't let me. After dinner, I turned around and he just yanked it out by himself! He was so proud. He had to call aunt Freda and aunt Deanie to brag about it. He thinks he's such a big boy now. He just asked me and Jason if we wanted him to go to bed without huggin and lovin and stuff like that now that he's growin up. Seriously? Does it start this early? I was hoping for at least a few more years of "huggin, and lovin, and stuff". On to little miss drama queen....

I had to carry her out of Micasita kicking and screaming Sunday she was throwing such a fit. Don't you just love the looks people give you when your child is actin a fool in public. She makes me wanna pull my hair out sometimes and then other times I want to squeeze her to pieces she's so sweet and sooo funny! She told me yesterday she wanted me to put up one of those shocky fence things across her bedroom door so her brother couldn't get in. And she kept asking for "hoodin". I kept asking what's hoodin? She finally said you know...chocolate hoodin, banilla hoodin..oooooo you mean pudding? Yeah mom, that's what I said, gaaahh! Yes, she already has a teenager attitude! Then today she said she wanted to watch the hooligans??? What? The hooollliiiggaaannss mom, with dorofy and the scarecrow. She meant the munchkins on Wizard of OZ, but she still calls them hooligans.

Ahh kids, what did I do with all my love, time, and energy before them?

Love Yall
Karri you know of anybody who needs a house? If you do, have them look at ours at and go to PLS# 19312 and give Debbie at Summerville Realty a call!


Elizabeth Hopper said...

Awe! I cannot believe he's already lost a tooth! Chandler keeps asking me to check his to see if they are loose.. lol. Good luck on the house sale..i'll spread the word..i have a friend looking for something in the ft. payne area.. who knows.. Have a great week! :)

Jen said...

oh so excited for him.... I remember Tommy pulling his first tooth! Actually Tommy has pulled all of his and Taylor's.... I can't stand the thought of it! LOL

Baby Reece is just a moving like you wouldn't believe!!!! Going to the dr Thursday Sept 3rd.....

love and miss you bunches!

Lauren said...

Derek and I are looking for a house!! We will check it out!

Lauren Tidmore.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Yay Cohen!! Syd has only pulled 2 so far and believe me, it is quite the production when she does.