Well, it's been a week of firsts. Cohen started kindergarten on Monday and now he has his first loose tooth, and just before bed tonight, he read his first two words all by himself! Sigh....my baby is growing up. He's totally suprised me, he hasn't got in one sigle bit of trouble for two whole days at school! For those of you who know Cohen, you know this is a monumental accomplishment. So happy days for him that he is becoming a big boy and a mixture of happy/not so happy for me.
I am playing betty homemaker right now since I am outta work so me and Taegan have been having just girl days since the boys are back in school. She has blossomed over two days like no other child I have ever seen. Who knew a little mommy attention could go so far? She is loving ever minute of it, and so am I. I never thought I would be a stay at home mom and homemaker, but I think I can do it! I must say it's much harder than any paying job I've ever had! I am a little sad that I am not a nurse anymore, but with the way this whole healthcare thing is going, it might be a good thing I'm getting out now. However, I must say it is really disheartening to know that a 15 sec. mistake can erase almost 10 years of excellent, untarnished nursing service. So once again, happy days for Taegan, and a mixture of feelings for me.
As I mentioned before, I am out of work and have been for some months now and since the job market is not looking so good for me right now we have decided to sell our house (before we lose it) and move into something more affordable (don't know where yet). So, if you guys know anyone who is in the market for a house tell em to give me a call. I am working on painting and yard work this week and then I'll post some pics. This part is all not so happy days. Jason has been so supportive and would never say anything negative, but I know its going to kill him to leave the house he grew up in. Please pray for him!
Lastly, we hear there is possibly some bad stuff coming down the pike, legally for me. So please pray for my future, and more importanly my childrens' futures also. I can't go into details, but more than anything, I just want everyone to know that whatever happens, whatever is said, I know the truth, I've told the truth, and I wish the authorities would focus on finding the truth instead of listening to lies from unreliable sources. Definitely, definitely unhappy days for me and jason, we are trying to keep our kids sheltered from all of this.
Somedays are better than others, but even in the darkest of days I find comfort in knowing that God has a plan for me. It may not be the plan I had in mind for my life, but His reign is sovereign and I trust in Him because I know no matter what happens on this earth, God will one day say to me as he said to the woman in the Pharisees house, "Your faith has saved you, go in peace" (Luke 7:50). As Job " I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil" (Job 3:26), I may lose all my worldly possessions, I may suffer, I may even lose my freedom, but I will never lose my faith, the Lord's love, and the love of my husband and children. So, I will be as Job, I will stand through the pain, pray for those who have accused me of wrongdoing, and I will be restored (if not in this life, then the next)!
Love and Peace to You All!
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
Karri I don't know what to say except I LOVE YOU and I we stand behind you. Praying for you, Jason, and those sweet babies. We enjoyed having them Sunday and you know my door is always open to you and them. Love you all.
I know the DA on a personal/professional basis and will most certainly make a phone call and write a letter! I knew you have been burdened with something lately but hated to pry. Love ya dearly!
I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! The DA will be getting a letter from me and my mom that's for sure. I will be praying!
That man will not know what hit him when he gets his mail the next few days. EVERYONE is here for you.. We love you
Concider it done. I am writing my letter today. I have been thinking about you.I just didnt know all this was going on. I will be praying for you and your family. Remember you are a child of God. He will not lead you down a road without holding your hand. I love you girl and I know your heart. It is nothing but good. Nick got good news and you will too.
Karri, you have my love, support and most of all my prayers. Keep the faith! I love ya and you have so many that love and support you please continue to reach out so we can love ya.
Oh yeah...I'm sending a letter also.
Thank you everyone for your many prayers and letters. The DA will probably be cusing me by this time next week. I'm feelin' the love from all around me and I must admit that I feel happier now than I have in a long time even with all the turmoil. God is so good to me, he gives me relief when I think I can't take anymore. You all are the best friends anyone could EVER ask for. If I can ever do anything for any one of you, all you have to do is ask. I love you all from the depths of my soul and your support means more to me than I will ever be able to tell you.
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